Sunday, January 10, 2016

Comment Wall

Comment wall for my story book!

Here are some of my favorite songs (that I can think of right now).


  1. First of all, your storybook is so cute! I absolutely love the layout, the fonts, and the colors you chose. It really makes me want to read more just because it's fun to look at! Each character's introduction was also really interesting! It was enough information to be able to identify which classic story you would be retelling, but not so much that I could tell how you were going to go about making the changes! I also liked how you chose to link all of these diverse stories into a cohesive talk show sort of thing. I think it's a great idea to make most of the names alliterative because that makes the stories seem even more like they belong in a modern storybook! The way you summarize each character's story makes me really want to "tune in" so that I can hear how their various struggles played out!

    1. Thank you for noticing the alliterative names haha. I kind of had the inspiration from an episode of The Big Bang Theory where Raj questioned Stan Lee of his use of alliteration in all the characters' names.

  2. Wow Jasmine, I am really impressed with your story book! The aesthetic appeal is really really great and very easy on the eyes. It's different from a lot of the other storybooks that I have seen. Your page looks really professional and it looks like you really know what you're doing. It's really modern and chic which I like because a lot of the stories that are including are old stories. You did a great job! All of the descriptions are really informative so I know exactly what each story is about and it is easy to figure out what I would like to read about. I also like the overall concept that you are going with. I think it's a great idea and original. I like the consistency of using people as all of your story titles. It is also very easy to navigate through all of your stories.

  3. I totally chose your story at random as my free choice and I am really impressed. You have put a lot of detail into the introduction. I loved how you made all the last names sound much like the first. I see where you responded to Alexandra as to The Big Bang Theory being your inspiration for this. I remember that episode and I think it was clever for you to use that in your storybook. The talk show angle for the style is interesting and I think it is going to work great for your stories. I love how you have outlined each day's guests and you give just enough details to make you interested, but don't give anything away. I also liked how it is not just happily ever after for them either. Life is never happily ever after. I look forward to reading more later this semester. I will return.

    1. Thanks! "I will return" sounds very ominous and made me laugh out loud, just thought to mention it.

  4. Wow! I love your storybook. It's really eye catching and caught my attention right away. Before I even began to read I had to check everything out. I really like the layout. You're introduction as also great. It flows very well. I am very interested to read into each of your characters stories. How you choose to do a story each day is cleaver. It really helps add to your "chatterbox" theme. I think your storybook might have to be one of my favorites so far. I love that it is so different and unique. It surly standout. I think the story that caught my attention the most is Hansel and Gretel. It is a story I am familiar with. I have also read a few different revisions on it. I am looking forward to see what you do with the piece. Overall job well done! It looks great and I am looking forward to keeping up with your storybook.

  5. Hey Jasmine! Wow, I think that you did a great job with your storybook. I love how you designed your storybook website. I really enjoyed reading through your introduction. I think that you did such a good job introducing all of your characters and you chose a great way of hooking your readers! I also thought that your use of alliteration was a brilliant way to tie in all of the different characters. I am excited to come back and read your stories. I think that you have the potential of a great storybook on your hands. I am interested in how you are going to continue using the talk show aspect with all of your stories. I think that using the interview method might be a really cool way to keep that a part of your stories. Good luck with the rest of your semester! I hope you have fun creating these stories!

  6. Hey Jasmine! First off, the title of your storybook grabbed my attention immediately! When I was scrolling down the list of projects and saw “The Chatterbox” I automatically was interested and click on the link to your storybook! The layout of your storybook page is so modern, different, and innovative! I think it fits your talk show theme perfectly. I liked how you described each topic (or each story you will be telling) of the talkshow and the day that the show will be talking about it. It made me feel like I was sitting on my couch watching Jamie James. I previewed the titles of the talkshow topics and I am so interested in reading all of them when they are finished! I am excited to see how you will write a stories about all of the characters, especially Hansel and Gretel and Briar Rose. I look forward to seeing your work throughout the semester!

  7. Hey Jasmine!

    I like the way the background of your blog is stationary when I scroll through your stories and other pages. It's pretty neat, since a lot of backgrounds have a "wow" impact at first, but then you lose it as you look at the blog. I also like that the links are in bright pink, so they stand out!

  8. Hi Jasmine! Congrats again on doing amazing on the GRE! And, for watching criminal minds without crying because it was amazing!

    I really like your background and the music/ funny videos you put on your blog. I definitely want to do that for mine!

  9. I love the look of your storybook site, it looks like the legit site of a hit talk show or even a high profile magazine. I like the layout of it as well as the font make it really easy to navigate and also to read your stories. I liked your introduction because it set the scene for each story, but also I thought you went into a little too much detail about each one. After reading the intro I knew exactly what was to come and I didn't really feel like I'd learn anything new in the stories.
    Then I read Phoebe Phillips' story. I am familiar with the princess and the pea, in fact one of my high school plays was called "Once Upon A Mattress" and covered this story. So because of this I thought the little tweaks you made to the character and the plot were so cool and well done. They all seemed to fit really well even though they weren't the original. I also really like that you gave us quite a few images throughout the story. I'm glad it was a happy ending for the couple and I enjoyed reading this story as a talk show format.

  10. Hey Jasmine, I was looking through the blogs, and I have to say. I really like the overall look of yours. The transparent background overlaying the city gives the whole thing a clean crisp look. I also like that you split up your side panels. It makes the sidebar feel less jumbled than if everything is stacked on top of each other.

  11. Hi Jasmine,
    I absolutely love both the color scheme and the background of your blog. It is one I haven't seen before. Quite honestly, I am tempted to copy you! I also like how you have your Pinterest feed to the left for more added content! It really made me want to learn more about you and explore the feed as well as your blog!

  12. Hi Jasmine!
    I like your white background because it almost gives you the feel that the blogs are floating through the screen, but it has enough substance with the buildings on bottom to keep of from being boring.
    From MIS Field Project Team 7 Data Analyst

  13. Hey Jasmine! I love the layout of your blog! Your name at the top is in the cutest font and I love the background of the city! Also the little shopper by your weather widget is so cute!

  14. Hi Jasmine! I really like the colors of your blog. I also thought the way you have your name displayed at the top was very eye-catching! I love this color of pink!

  15. Hey Jasmine. I am back on your comment wall just to see what's new here because I remember being really impressed with it. I really like the picture that you put on your comment wall. It is really pretty. I also liked how you included a playlist for your youtube videos. I might consider putting this onto my comment wall too.

  16. Hey! I had to keep up with your storybook after reading your intro. It safe to say I am still hooked. I just finished reading, Phoebe Phillips. It was great. I love how modern day that story and theme is. The was you add in the laughs and chuckles really adds to the voice of the story. My favorite part is how this old time story with the prince and the pea is updated. It great how they used the pea as a test. When I first started reading I couldn't shake the old time story telling from my head. Then once I did it was really catchy and fun to read. The modern day setting is a great twist to this story, you did a grand job. I look forward to keeping up with your storybook! So far I really enjoy it and think you have dine a great job!

  17. I just want to say great song choice! I think all of us can agree on that; there is no way that anyone can dislike this song. This song is an absolute classic in every meaning of the word. The Beatles are one of the best bands of all time and always made great songs, this is one of their best and is so fun to listen to! I give you a big time salute for your choice of music to put on your Comment Wall.

  18. And I'm back! After reading you wonderful intro, I just had to return to see how your storybook is progressing. I just read your first story about Phoebe and I really enjoyed it. I can really picture the two of them sitting together talking on a tv show. I like how you modernized the story. I think using a commoner is a great twist and her journey really adds to the story. The telling of how her life has changed drastically is great. I can't imagine going from being able to go anywhere I wanted at any time, to being restricted about where I could go and when and with whom, all while having to have a security escort. It would definitely be a life changer. I enjoyed how you have her telling her story in chunks instead of one-liners interrupted constantly by the interviewer or all in one long, drawn-out speech. Your story is very well thought out and I look forward to reading more.

  19. Jasmine,
    This storybook is coming along very nicely so far; I am really enjoying it. I really like the talk show and interview approach you are going with. This style makes is very easy and understandable for the reader to follow. I love the appearance of your storybook also; that was the first thing that really caught my eye, it looks so professional great job with that! It was very smart of you to break the story up rather than having one long drawn out interview; that can sometimes be annoying to the reader. Lastly, Queen is amazing and that is definitely their best song in my opinion. Good choice!

  20. Hi Jasmine! I was listening to your playlist and laughing a bit, because I love pretty much ALL of the songs on there! The Ever After parodies are golden (my roommate introduced them to me last semester), I listened to Shut Up And Dance pretty much on repeat last spring and summer (that same roommate banned me from playing it while she was in the room, as did my brothers when I went home), and Queen is just awesome anytime--especially Bohemian Rhapsody! I have this theory that you can tell a lot about a person by whether or not they will sing along to Bohemian Rhapsody with you when it comes on...

  21. Hey I really enjoyed reading your story! I really like your set up for your storybook as well. It is a very interesting set up and I know that you will be able to give a lot of really great stories. I liked how you made this story more modern and lifelike. I can't imagine just stumbling into a situation like that; it would never happen to me. Your dialogue use is very nice and very easy to read. I can almost imagine them actually talking to each other, which is absolutely great! Keep up the great work and I am very excited to read more from you!

  22. Jasmine-- Thank you for posting such great music to listen to on your Comment Wall. I am currently addicted to listening to Shut Up and Dance and Roses myself! I feel like they are the "just get up and dance to" kind of songs. They always put me in a good mood when I listen to them. You have a great taste in music!

  23. Hey Jasmine! I looked a your storybook last week and LOVED it (the chatter box title and the layout of the storybook is awesome) so I decided to read your first story this week for my project feedback! I have heard of the Princess and the Pea story before, but this story was so creative and different than I would have ever expected! I loved how you mixed modern day and fantasy together. Phoebe camping in the woods with her family and getting lost is something that would totally happen today, but finding a mansion with a prince and a queen and eventually becoming a princess is great use of your imagination. Having Pheobe sleep on one mattress instad of 50 really helped the story be more realistic! I also liked how you talked about her wedding and going out to go shopping with her friends. I can’t wait to read more stories about the other contestants! Great job!

  24. Hey Jasmine!

    I really hope you had an awesome Spring Break! We missed you! I really loved the song that you posted on your comment wall! The Queens are awesome! I think it is pretty cool that you are into the Queens. It is cool how even though we are from different parts of the world we can still relate and connect through music! Love you lots!

  25. First off, I think it is awesome that you put a Queen song as your youtube video. I have wished for a long time I could have seen them live back in their prime.

    More importantly, I think your storybook idea is great! The first thing I noticed was the layout of your storybook. I really like the color combinations you chose and the background really fits well. The picture you chose for the introduction is great too and makes me think of a 70's talk show. The style of writing you chose to do really fits the theme of your storybook well. I really liked the introduction of the Pea Princess. You made her story sound like something I would hear if I was watching a show on Entertainment Network. I am excited to hear about Hansel and Gretel too. I like how you make everyones names sound redundant in a way. Doing that gives it more of a feel that fairy tales have. I look forward to reading more from your storybook. Great job overall!

  26. Hi Jasmine!
    I really enjoyed reading your story about the princess and the pea! I remember reading it as a kid, so getting to read a new take on it was really fun. I liked that you made her a commoner because that was a nice twist from the original story. I know you said you had already used a lot of words, but I think if you had room to add to the story it would be cool to expand on why her life after marriage wasn’t quite the happily ever after she was expecting. It seemed like you would hear something she really hated or couldn’t stand about her new life! I really look forward to reading some of the other stories you come up with in later weeks. I am especially excited to see how you change Hansel and Gretel because that was one of my favorites as a kid!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Happy Easter, Jasmine! Every time I read your work, I always get so impressed! You are an awesome writer! I absolutely love your creativity. You are definitely the most creative writer I have read in the two classes. Making one of your Portfolio introduction to your stories look like a talk show is pretty neat. How you are coming up with all these creative ideas? Like the online dating profiles with Rama and Sita was just so clever! I wish I had your creativity! It looks so good! I really like how you made your website on tumbler. Your layout is really awesome and some of my favorite colors haha! I love the format that you have. It seems to keep everything really organized and easy to follow. You did a great job of introducing all of your different stories, but then also you did a great job of tying all the stories together in your introduction. Great job!

  29. Jasmine--so glad that I was finally able to read your Storybook! I love that you chose to use Tumblr to create your Storybook. It definitely makes your project stand out from other students' in our class! I also love how you put various pictures throughout your story of Phoebe. It definitely kept my interest and was nice to see something break up all of the words in the middle of the story.
    The only thing I would recommend changing is in the introduction you used a numeral to reference number. I think it would make that paragraph flow much better if you spelled out the number. Overall, your Storybook looks great! I look forward to reading more of it. It definitely reminded me of The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon as I was reading it since he interviews a lot of celebrities on his show every night. Great job!! Everything looks great so far!

  30. I just read your story, Ariel Adams! Great story! You added a nice modern day twist to it, I enjoyed reading it. When the show host says I'm sorry? But I'm not though. I couldn't help but laugh and sorry not sorry. Haha. I found it very interesting that it was pretty different form the original story The Little Mermaid. I think it great you came up with the idea of the girl next door being the now the husband cheated with. I was also baffled when I read that the man said he was making the right choice by marring her. I would of lost it right then and there too. I really made a connection with this story. Believe it or not I had my own story pretty similar to this one. Just minus the home school (new boy moved in) then we weren't engaged or anything. Reading this story really brought back some memories though!

    I have enjoyed reading all your stories so far. I look forward to reading more!

  31. I just read about Ariel Adams and it was awesome! It can sometimes be hard to realistically modernize stories that are so old and violent and have already been somewhat modernized by disney, but you did a great job! Although I knew it was an old story that I know well, I didn't know what was going to happen in your story, and I really enjoyed being along for the ride! I love how strong you made Ariel and that she was totally moving on with her life in a confident manner. I love the idea of a talk show. I wonder what would happen if the host had been hiding Ariel's boyfriend backstage and she brought him out. That happens a lot with cheesy reality tv talk shows, and it could be a dramatic flair! I'm definitely planning on reading some more of your very interesting stories as the semester continues!

  32. I just read your second story and was very entertained! I l like your spin on the story very much! It was very clever to make it school that changed instead of losing her fins. You captured it perfectly with distancing herself from her family and losing herself as well. Growing up watching the movie I never realized that she changed everything about her just for a man. When I watch the movie now I get a little bit annoyed because of it. I'm happy you made them break up in this story! I really enjoy reading your storybook and I am excited for more to come!!!

  33. Hey Jasmine! I just got done reading what you've written for your Storybook, and I really, really enjoyed it! I think that the format you chose is really fun and light-hearted (I love that you chose to make the fairy tales just a LITTLE bit off from their originals, in addition to bringing them into the present day!) and I like that you put little teasers for all of the coming stories into your Introduction--I'm excited to read them now! I can't really think of anything that I wasn't really sure of in your writing, and your Author's Notes are pretty comprehensive about explaining what the original story was about and how you changed things. It was especially cool, in my opinion, that you decided to change Ariel's underwater situation to homeschooling, with high school being "the land"--although I also think that college would have worked, especially if she'd moved far away--I was homeschooled and moved here from far away, and the transition away from my family was VERY painful. Anyway, just a thought--like I said, I really enjoyed your writing, and I can't wait to see what you do next!

  34. Hi Jasmine! I came back to read your second story Arial Adams and I was not disappointed. I loved the way you made it modern day. I was curious as to how you would change the whole mermaid theme. I think you did an excellent job choosing to make it the change from home school to high school to represent her change from living in the ocean to living on land. You did a great job with how she distanced herself from her family to be with this guy. Her breaking it off with him over his cheating was a great touch. It made the story feel real. I mean, that is what most people would do if they found out their partner had been cheating. I think I have mentioned it before, but your choice to make your stories a talk show is very creative and works well for your stories. I really enjoy your stories and I can't wait to read the finished project.

  35. Hey Jasmine! I really enjoyed reading your take on The Little Mermaid. It’s so interesting to me that Disney changes the original versions of things so much… I had no idea that originally the mermaids were aloud to go to the surface of the water at the age of 15 and that when she was given the ability to walk she felt immense pain with evry step she took. I like the changes that you made to the story to give it a modern twist! For example, it was so clever how you had the girls be homeschooled instead of living underwater. I can’t even imagine how she felt when she found out that her fiancĂ© had been cheating on her with her childhood bully! That must have been extremely painful for her to experience. I also liked the way you had the dialogue set up in your story to have the first letter of the characters name at the beginning of each person talking. It made it organized and easy for me to follow! Keep up the good work!

  36. Hey Jasmine, I love your blog by the way. I love the skyline background. That was something I noticed first right when I clicked on your blog page. I love your story and how you go back to the original storyline but you also switch it up as well. You also make it interesting by ending your stories with some cliff hangers and making people want to come back and read more! I have a love/hate relationship with cliff hangers. If I am writing the story and I know what happens, I love using them, but if I am watching a show or reading a story and i don't know what is going to happen, i just want to know what happens!!! haha. Like the comment above, I really liked how you made the girls homeschooled instead of being underwater. That definitely gives a whole different view of the story. Great job and I look forward to reading more in the future!

  37. I just read Phoebe Phillips in your storybook! I was so impressed. I really enjoyed the talk show theme that you chose! I think its a really good way to make the stories light and fun while also adding in a whole other perspective. The end of the interview left me wondering how the prince and the princess do in their relationship? Are they happy forever or do they have problems? It would be interesting to check back in with them later.

    Also, I loved the design of your storybook. It was nice to have a different platform to help break things up and I loved the colors. Its funny, because I loved your storybook design and then when I came to your blog I realized that I had been here before and commented on the design of your blog as well! I guess that means we have the same style!

  38. I really enjoyed Hansel and Gretel. I have read your previous stories and have enjoyed them all so much that I keep coming back for more. Hansel and Gretel has a great modern twist. I like how they are orphans and that the foster parents can no longer afford to care for them. Abandoning them at the grocery store was an interesting choice, but it worked for this story. I love all the details you are putting into their story and the dialog is easy to follow. It sounds just like a real talk show. Again, great job and I will be back to see the finished project.

    there is one little error in your story
    "J: How is everything with the courts and all that?

    G: Well, we are pleading for self-defense, which it technically was, so we’ll see how that goes."
    This part is repeated. I thought I would mention it so you can edit it.

  39. Jasmine, I just finished reading your introduction and first story in your storybook. Let me start off by saying, I love that you used tumblr instead of google! I thought about using a different site when making my storybook, but ultimately ended up using the google one. I don't know how I haven't come across your storybook before now, to be honest. The title "The Chatterbox" really caught my eye. I had no idea what it was going to be about, but it sounded interesting so I clicked! I also really like the design of your site. It's got a nice modern feel to it! Starting to read the first story, I had no idea what it was about. I was just enjoying a new story until it finally hit me when you said her bed had a small lump. I knew immediately it had to be "The Princess and the Pea!" I loved the modern twist you put on it and the fact that it was on a talk show! I feel like everything we learn about celebrities today is on a talk show. lol Overall, I loved your storybook from the design to the stories themselves. I will definitely be back to read more! Keep up the good work!

  40. Jasmine, I still really love your blog and tumblr themes you have chosen! The storybook theme is really cool. I also have to comment again on how great of a song you chose for the comment wall! I love Queen! All your stories so far are really great and I love the creativity you have put into each of them. Your storybook is definitely one of a kind and the name really caught my attention. Keep up all the good work and good luck with the rest of the semester!

  41. Hey Jasmine! Wow your story book is super cute! I like the formatting and that it is like a talk show! Vey clever! When I was reading the introduction I was having a fun time trying to figure out which story is which and some were easy and some were a little more difficult!
    I read your tory about the princess and the pea and I really enjoyed how you made it modern day and made her a commoner. The wedding and dress and everything reminded me so much of Will and Kates Wedding and how everyone got all wrapped up on that when it was happening. Also when she was talking about adapting into the princesses life style it was like The Princess Diaries and it made me giggle a little. I hope one day I stumble upon a cabin that has a prince in it! haha. but wonderful storybook! Keep it up!

  42. Hi Jasmine! I can not get over how great your story book is! Your formatting is so clever and the image on the front page is absolutely perfect. The way you put a modern twist on things is really excellent. I particularly enjoyed Hansel and Gretel's tale. The way that you set up the kids as foster children was both a perfect modern vision of the old story and a great and timely social commentary. As for the princess stories, it really appealed to my love of all things Royals. Cassandra mentioned that the wedding in the Princess and the pea story reminded her of Kate and Will. I totally agree! This is one of my very favorite story books! :)

  43. Hey Jasmine!

    Thank you so much again for coming to my race! I am sad you did not get to eat with us, but I am glad you had fun (at least I hope you did). I am not sure how much fun sitting out in the heat for like an hour waiting on someone to crawl down the road is, but I was so happy you came!

    Congratulations on grad school, and I cannot wait to hang out with you next year!

  44. I haven’t your storybook but I actually really, really liked it. I really like these retelling. I really enjoyed your images and interview setup. Your pictures are really good actually and I like the fact that you mention the future. Most fairy tales end with happily ever after. I like that the stories at least bring up what comes after marriage. Phoebe Phillips, was a good story. I like the fact that you put names in for the characters because that kind of bothered me when I thought about it. In most fairy tales the characters don’t get a name. The prince from Cinderella, the people in the Princess and the Pea, etc. The list goes on and on. I like that the characters do have a future. Phoebe is going to run a country and that’s kind of cool. She’s not just standing there and looking pretty which is what the implication of the original story is.

  45. Jasmine, like I said before, I really like the fact that you used Tumblr for your storybook! Looking back, I wish I would've used Tumblr. It just looks so much better than the basic google one! This time I read your story based off of Ariel from the Little Mermaid. I really like the modern twist you put on it. It makes the story so much more relatable. Again, I also love that your storybook is a series of TV show interviews. The theme is a really cool theme and the name is very fitting. The name, "The Chatterbox" caught my eye, and it was not what I was expecting after clicking on it. Great way to draw your readers in! Overall, great job on your storybook and I'll try to come back and read some more of your stories before the end of the class! Good luck on the rest of your semester!

  46. I love the setup and background of your storybook blog. It is very easy to navigate but also creates a lot of visual interest. Your storybook sounds great, I love that you chose to do a talk show, that is a great setup to learn about many interesting characters. Congratulations on getting voted one of the top storybooks, I can see why everyone has liked it so much. I am glad that I finally have a chance to read some of the work you did for it. You do a great job of describing each story and giving the reader a little piece of what is to come so they can read the story that sounds the most interesting to them. I like how you gave each guest a day of the week when they will be on the air, I think it is nice added detail. Good luck on the end of the semester!

  47. Hey Jasmine! I loved your story Hansel and Gretel in your project! I like how you added your own modern spin on the story having the step mom leaving her children at the grocery store to get rid of them. I also really liked the dialogue between both Hansel and Gretel because you could see the sibling dynamic between the two. It was different being able to see their reactions and what they were thinking as everything was going on! The way you formatted your website made it really easy to navigate. It was smart to have the first letter of the character who was talking at the beginning of the dialogue so the reader is able to understand who is talking when! It helped that you color coded everything too. The original story seems terrifying… I can’t imagine those kids being okay after all of that happened! I like that yours kept similar to the original but you also cut out some of the scary parts! Great job!

  48. Hi Jasmine,
    Congratulations on making the list for one of the top-rated storybooks! What a great feeling. I have read your storybook before, but I decided to visit it again to see what new stories you had written. I really liked the modern spin you put on Hansel and Gretel. I think it was cool to talk about money being tight at the foster home and the mother trying to leave them at the grocery store. If anything, it made the story more impactful since it was more realistic. I can't imagine first being abandon somewhere after already being in the foster system! Then to be kidnapped by such a terrifying woman. Wow! I wonder what would have happened had they not escaped the witch? Would they have had the same outcome as in the original story or would you have changed it? Great work on your storytelling overall, though! I always enjoyed reading your storybook. Good luck with the dead week and finals!

  49. Hi Jasmine! First of all, I am a huge Queen fan, so I love the video you chose! The layout of your blog is also great, I love this theme. It is so cute!

    I have had the pleasure of reading your storybook before today, but I must say that I did not apprecaite it enough the first time! You are such a talented writer, and that is clearly shown in throughout your storybook! I really enjoyed the spin you put on Hansel and Gretel, it made for a vey entertaining story. Your character development was great, and allowed for me to enjoy the story even more. The imagery you chose was also very fitting, and contributed to me enjoying the story more. Imagery is so important in writing, and I feel like that you understand that. Thanks for sharing your storybook, I really enjoyed it. Good luck on your finals!

  50. Hey Jasmine!
    First of all I just want to comment how much I loved the interview style and the idea behind your Storybook. Each transition into the next story always made sense, plus everything was so easy to navigate. I also liked how easy it was to read your stories because of the layout of your blog. It was simple and clean, but very modern and fun!
    Second, I think your writing is great! It always flows well and I feel like you put a lot of thought into your storytelling. I also did the Princess and the Pea, but I loved your version so much better! I especially enjoyed hearing the story through the interview. It added a modern twist to it.
    I loved reading through your other stories as well. This is something my niece would love to read! Really awesome job on your Storybook! Enjoy your final days of the semester!

  51. Jasmine, first of all congratulations on being nominated as one of the favorite storybooks for the class! Your storybook was definitely one of my favorites! I know I've mentioned it before, but I just wanted to say again how much I like that you used Tumblr for your storybook! I also love the modern layout of it! You obviously spent some time perfecting your storybook and it shows! I had to come back and read another interview. This time I read Hansel and Gretel. Thankfully, I have already read the original as one of my weekly readings so it was easy to pick out which parts you took from the original and which parts you created on your own. I really like that you kept the main plot, but tweaked the details to make the story a bit more modern so it would fit into the talk show theme of your storybook! Overall, you did a great job with your storybook! Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  52. Jasmine,

    I am from the Indian Epics class and I decided to look through the Mythology and Folklore class projects. I love the idea of using a talkshow as inspiration for your storybook. It was really nice to have a intro to each of the shows guests in your introduction to give your readers a good idea of what to expect. Based off of your introduction I chose to read your take on sleeping beauty. I thought it was very creative that in order to have a more modern take on the story, you made Briar Rose's father a biochemist that accidentally put his daughter to sleep for 50 years! Your story has a great flow to it and I love how you were so detailed to even put each person in different colors to help your readers. Overall, you did an amazing job with your storybook. From the set up to story content it was pristine! Good luck with the rest of your semester!
