Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Introduction to a Confused Senior

Hello, person reading! My name is Jasmine, and I'm a senior at the University of Oklahoma majoring in Management Information Systems (MIS) and minoring in Accounting. I started out as an Accounting major, actually, but switched out after taking about 4 weeks of Income Tax (it sucked).

I was born in Malaysia, but I grew up in Thailand. Thailand has its ups and downs. The country itself is beautiful, but the traffic is absolutely TERRIBLE. It's a good thing we have public transportations like the subway and the skytrain, but even that gets crowded with the amount of people both living in the city and tourists. I may be biased on this too, but if you haven't had Thai food before, it is recommended. One of our dishes, a curry, actually, was once voted the most delicious dish in the world (if I remember correctly). It's called the Massaman Curry. It is usually chicken, with potato in it, and it is DELICIOUS.

I came to the States when I was 16 for my senior year of high school. I recently turned 21 (December 31st) and am graduating this semester. It doesn't seem real yet that I'm graduating, and I'm not sure either if I want to stay here or go home. Oh well. Things will work out in the end, I guess. I had 2 dogs back home, but one died early January due to a cobra bite. They're both Japanese Akitas and are absolutely adorable (to me, anyway).

Hachi (RIP) (personal photo)
Aki and I (personal photo)

Koh Sri Chung, about an hour drive + 40 minute boat ride away from Bangkok
The best class I took last semester was Business Data Analysis (MIS 3213) with Dr. Miranda. It was the best because not only was it fun, but we had a choice of either taking the final or working on a final project. I did the project, of course. My project was based off of the first Harry Potter book. It was done on Excel, and you could enter information to "receive" your Hogwarts acceptance letter, "shop" for supplies in Diagon Alley, take a quiz to get sorted into your House, and receive your class schedule. It was very fun to make and was a great success (if I do say so myself). My greatest accomplishment last semester was finally, FINALLY achieving a 4.0 GPA (just for the semester...)

My favorite books/movies are the Harry Potter ones, of course. I also enjoy rewatching Lord of the Rings, although I've never actually read the books. I absolutely love How to Train Your Dragon and I am very much looking forward to the third one, which I hope will be released soon. Big Hero 6 is also another favorite, obviously... Baymax is adorable. I recently just rewatched Sherlock (the BBC version), and it still amazes me how well done the series is. I can't wait for 2017 when the next season comes out. Another show I keep up with is Criminal Minds and Game of Thrones. I haven't actually read the Song of Ice and Fire series, but it's not for lack of trying. I always get to around page 150 of the first book and just give up thinking, "I've seen the series, I know what happens", but of course there's more in the books than there is in the series, so maybe I'll try again after graduation.

Harry, Hermione, Ron, and their pets (source: tumblr)
I have travelled to 19 countries so far, and I hope to increase that number in the future. My favorite countries to go to are probably Japan and Italy. Japan because the people are so nice, everything is so convenient, and the food is great. Italy because everything is so historical and beautiful, the food, of course, and the amazing gelato. I hope to go to England one day to visit Warner Brother's Studio to take a tour of the various Harry Potter sets they have there.


  1. Hey Jasmine, I find it absolutely fascinating that you grew up in Thailand! I also find it really cool that you are into Harry Potter, as I am a huge fan myself! I have never really been interested in Lord of the Rings, but recently my roommates say I should watch the movies, so is it worth it??

    I also am extremely jealous of the fact that you have travelled to 19 countries! This summer I will travel to Europe for the first time to Ireland for a month and I'm STOKED!

    Lastly, you're dogs are the cutest! I love dogs, especially big ones like yours! I'm sorry to hear that you recently lost one, my dogs are pretty old (14 year) and it will be hard to see them go. Do their names mean anything special?

    1. Personally, I would say it's totally worth it to watch the movies, but they're quite long (3 hours ++) so be prepared for that...

      I've always wanted to go to Ireland, main reason because they film part of Game of Thrones there, but also because one of my friends went and she seemed to really enjoy it.

      Thanks for the compliment on my dogs, I will tell my mom to pass it on to her lol. Mine are pretty old too... about 13 years old. Hachi was the name of a dog in Japan (same breed) that waited for his owner at a train station but the owner never came back because he died at the university he taught at. The dog waited there everyday until the day he died, so they erected a statue/monument for him at that train station as a symbol of loyalty. There's a movie about it, starring Richard Gere... I recommend a lot of tissues, because I bawled watching this movie (as did my mom and dad). Aki is just the name of a Japanese singer that my dad liked haha

  2. Hi Jasmine! That's so awesome that you grew up in Thailand! How is it over there? I would love to learn more about your experiences in Thailand. I bet the food over there is out of this world! I'm also a senior at OU, and it's hard to believe that in a few months we'll be graduating. I admire that you're an MIS major and an accounting minor. My cousin took an accounting class and showed me her homework once, and I didn't understand anything!

    I love the movie Big Hero 6! I wish I had a Baymax of my own! It was a sad movie, but definitely one of my favorite Pixar movies alone with Up and Inside Out.

    I'm so sorry that Hachi passed away. I had a dog of mine pass away too not so long away, and it really took a toll on me. I bet Hachi was a great dog and a loyal friend.

    1. It is VERY hot and humid in Thailand, and the traffic is terrible... but it's still pretty awesome. Ohh I switched out of accounting because it was just too much when I took income tax.. it was a nightmare.

      I recently saw Inside Out on the flight home in December! I thought it was awesome too! I have to say, I cried a bit...

      Hachi was awesome :) but like my mom said, he's in a better place now

  3. It's always nice to meet another traveler. I've been to 11 countries (not as many as you, but a fair number). Most of them have been in Europe. Also, my sister spend some time in Thailand as part of a full bright scholarship.

    I love the lord of the rings movies. They are some of my favorite movies, so it always makes me happy when other people appreciate them. How to train your dragon and Game of Thrones, and Harry Potter are good as well. Seems we have a lot of movie interests in common.

  4. Oh, I am so sorry for your Hachi, Jasmine! He looks beautiful. I am sure you have lots of wonderful memories. And your project with Dr. Miranda sounds so cool. She is a nice person! I have never met her face to face, but we are friends thanks to us both using Twitter. Maybe you will want to do a Harry-Potter-themed project for this class! Someone did some Hogwarts stories last semester that were so much fun; she was in the Indian Epics class, so she focused on the Patil sisters so that there would be an India connection. Here is one of her stories if you are curious: Storyteling: Padma and the Black Lake. I really liked it! :-)

  5. Hey Jasmine! It’s good to meet you. First off, I wanted to compliment your blog. It looks really great! Also, congratulations on getting a 4.0 gpa last semester! It is never easy doing that.

    I also absolutely love Sherlock. They do so well on each episode even though there aren’t very many. I wish they would come out with the new season sooner. It’s so hard to wait.

    Wow, I’m so jealous that you have been to 19 different countries! I haven’t even been to 19 different states, let alone countries. However, I did go to Italy last summer. Where was your favorite place there?

  6. New season of Sherlock is only a year away! *sobs*

    My favorite was Florence, for sure. Everything was just so close and convenient, the buildings were beautiful, and when my parents and I went, we had gelato EVERYDAY which was awesome!

  7. Oh my goodness, you have traveled so much! I think it is quite amazing the number of places you have been. I hope to one day have traveled to 19 countries, right now I have only been to three.
    I am sorry to hear about your dog passing away but they are both beautiful. I had a dog pass away in high school and I know that can be really hard.
    I am also I huge Harry Potter fan and would love to see your project sometimes. I am a Ravenclaw and I am curious if that is where your project would sort me too!
    I really enjoy the look of your blog and I look forward to reading your writing. It sounds like you have a great appreciation for good stories based on the movies and TV shows you like. Have a fantastic semester and best wishes in figuring out your future plans!

    1. If you really are interested in my project...

      ...here is the dropbox link to the file... You'll need the newer Excel if you're on a Mac, but Windows should be fine. You don't have to though if you don't want to haha.

      Thanks! You have a fantastic semester too!

  8. Hey Jasmine! Wow I can’t believe you’ve been to 19 different countries that’s so cool! I’ve always wanted to travel to Italy so I’m very jealous. I also am a big fan of Harry Potter and have seen all of the movies. I really want to go to Harry Potter world at Universal Studios it looks so fun! I think I would really enjoy a class that gives you that kind of flexibility and creativity like the MIS class your were in last semester. I hope you’re having a great year so far!

  9. Hi Jasmine! We seem to have similar tastes in movies--I LOVE Harry Potter...and How to Train Your Dragon...and Big Hero 6 (ditto on Baymax)...and Sherlock! Can the new season just come out already???! And 19 countries--wow! How cool! Have you used any of your experiences in your stories this semester? Do you get to go back to Thailand during vacations? It must be a hard choice deciding whether to go or stay after you graduate, but like you said I'm sure it'll work out!

    Also, what cute dogs!--I'm so sorry that you lost Hachi, though; I lost my dog early last summer to old age and it was really rough--it felt like there was a hole in the family, and that's why we ended up with a new puppy...

  10. Hi!!! It is so nice to meet you! First off want to say that your dogs are both adorable, and I am sorry for the lost of one! It is always so sad losing a best friend like that. I also wanted to say that I really enjoy your taste in books, shows, and movies. I am actually such a big fan of game of thrones. I have read the series and yes they are really hard to get through since they are so big and are often very confusing. They, however, and written beautifully and are just amazing in the fact that George R. R. Martin thought of all of it. Great meeting you!!!

  11. Hi Jasmie! Great to meet you! I am also a huge fan of Game of Thrones, so I ca definitely relate to you on that! Your dogs look very cute, and I am sad that you last one! I went through that recently, it is no fun. So I feel for you on that, looking forward to a semester working with you!

  12. Hey!
    I think thats awesome that you came to the states! Also congratulation on graduating soon! I also switched my major. Thats great you got to your goal of a 4.0. Not an easy task in college! Keep up the great work. Toothless, from how to train your dragon is one of my heroes!

    I love that you have been to so many countries. It is my dream goal to travel everywhere! So i am pretty jealous of your travels so far.

    Good luck with all your classes in your last semester!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hi Jasmine!

    I am finally doing the extra credit!

    I think it is awesome that you have been to 19 countries. Where are you planning on going this summer? I do not think that I knew you were born in Malaysia. Maybe I did, but you know that I am obsessed with that place! Sherlock is probably the best written show out there. We need to talk Criminal Minds sometime. I am obsessed with that show.

  15. Hi Jasmine, that is so cool that you took a class at OU that was completely based off of Harry Potter! That must have been a lot of fun. I am also a huge Game of Thrones fan, are you excited about it airing again in April? I am really excited about it! Also, congratulations on almost graduating! That is so exciting!

  16. I also love Harry Potter! I'm currently rewatching all the movies, and it's so much fun! I just have the very last movie to go, and I'm already so sad that it's going to be over soon. Aki and Hachi are both so cute! I'm sorry about Hachi, having a dog die is always such a sad thing. That's awesome that you've been to so many countries! You must really love to travel!

  17. Hi Jasmine! I’m jealous of all your traveling! I also love traveling but haven’t been to nearly as many places as you. I have been to Italy and really liked it also! I have also always wanted to visit England, I feel like it would be such a pretty place. I love your dogs they are so cute, I’m sorry that one of them died ): Goodluck with the rest of the semester!

  18. Hi Jasmine, nice to meet you! First of all let me just say that I am super jealous of all of your traveling! I can't believe you have been to 19 countries, that is so cool! I've never been to Europe, but I would love to visit multiple countries over there! Congratulations on your 4.0 last semester! That's always a very rewarding feeling! Hope you enjoy your last semester at OU!

  19. Okay safe to say you have such an interesting life! Like everyone else, I think it is so neat that you have already been to 19 countries by the age of 21... that's a new country basically every year. I would agree with you that your dogs are adorable, and its so sad to read that one of them has passed away. Are cobra bites a common occurrence where you're from in Malaysia? I'm impressed that your love your MIS and accounting classes so much, I've heard they are hard!

  20. Hey Jasmine (confused senior),
    We were definitely the same switching majors! I was pre pharmacy when I first came to OU then I took chemistry and that was it for me! I love that you did your project over Harry Potter! I have read all of the books multiple time as well as watched the movies several times! I would have loved to read over everything on that project!
    I love that you have been to 19 countries! Please take me with you next time. I would also love to travel to England for the same reasons! That would be so much fun! I hope you enjoy the last semester of college!

  21. Hi Jasmine! I think it is awesome that you moved to the U.S. at age 16! That sounds like a crazy transition. That is so exciting you’ll be graduating this May! Congratulations! I don’t know where I want to move after graduating either, but that would definitely be tough deciding between places so far away from one another. I think it is so neat how many countries you have traveled to! Good luck with the rest of your last semester at OU!

  22. Haha! I love your title. I think it describes a majority of us seniors right now. We just don't know quite what to do! Your story and path to OU is incredible. I have always wanted to go to Thailand. It is on my bucket list and WILL go there at some point. Like you, I love criminal minds. I think it can get a little predictable at times but the characters the overall crime drama plot keep me coming back to it. Good luck with everyone in the future and i love your pictures by the way.

  23. Hi Jasmine! I absolutely loved reading you rintroduction. I am also a senior here at OU. I cannot believe that our last semester is almost over! I am also a HUGE Harry Potter fan. I am on the fourth book right now and i cannot put it down! I have also traveled to Italy and fell in love with it. I would love to visit Japan one day to see what it is like there! The Japan culture fascinates me! I hope you are having a wonderful last semester!

  24. Hey Jasmine,

    It was great to read your introduction and get to know you! I am also a senior here at OU, but only my first semester... I still got a little bit to go. It is incredible that you have traveled to 19 countries in your life already! I am jealous that you have gotten to travel to Italy. That is one place on my list to go and visit. Good luck the rest of your final semester!
