Saturday, January 16, 2016

My Favorite Places: Bangkok and Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Bangkok, Thailand
Since it's my hometown, I'm a bit biased. Sure, the traffic is horrible most of the days, all day, but that's just an opportunity for you to find new ways home and shortcuts you never knew about. The food is great as well. Whenever anyone asks what type of food I like, it's always Thai food. It's just so tasteful and there's such a variety and it just tastes so good. So alright, some of it is ridiculously spicy, but it's still great. 

Normal midday traffic in Bangkok (personal photo)
Noodles with fish and fishballs (personal photo)

Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Orlando FL
Like most everyone, Harry Potter was a part of my childhood. Walking into Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley at Universal Studios Orlando felt like walking into the books. Well, maybe the first book since it was all happy and fun without the threat of Voldemort (oops, I mean, You-Know-Who) and his Death Eaters terrorizing the places. The shops were amazing, the staff were amazing, the Hogwarts ride made me tear up a bit with all the characters standing at the end waving, and Butterbeer was AMAZING (it's just a sweet drink.. no actual beer in it of course). The Hogwart's Express was done very creatively and again, was so awesome. Everything about this part of Universal is just great.

Diagon Alley (personal photo)

Platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross station (personal photo)

The dragon on Gringott's Bank (personal photo)
Weasley's Wizard Wheezes (personal photo)


  1. Oh my gosh, Jasmine, that is SO COOL that you are from Thailand. I would love (love love love) to visit Thailand someday. The food is amazing, of course (the spiciest food I have ever eaten was Thai food... it literally made me cry — and it was so good; I really like spicy foods), and I am fascinated by Thai art and architecture. The other class that I teach is Indian epics, which includes the Ramayana, and some of the most beautiful artwork about the adventures of Rama come from Thailand. The Thai restaurant we go to near where I live has beautiful masks on the walls for Rama, Ravana, Hanuman, all the Ramakien characters.

    And I also would really enjoy a visit to the Wizarding World... which is more likely than a visit to Thailand I guess since it is right here on this continent of course. Thank you for sharing all those photos: it looks like so much fun! Maybe you will want to do a project for this class that is a Harry Potter mash-up... someone did some Harry Potter stories last semester in Indian Epics where the Patil sisters were telling stories from India to the other students at Hogwarts, and the storytelling style worked wonderfully since I guess everybody like Hogwarts!

  2. I have never been to Thailand but I would love to go one day! I am mainly attracted to the food. I absolutely love Thai food. It is one of my favorite types. Sometimes, the spicier the better! I usually go to Panang here in Oklahoma. I have always wanted to know, is it pretty authentic?

    I've never been to Harry Potter World either or Florida in general for that matter. I would like to go with my friends one day. I really like Harry Potter as well but in all honesty, I can't say that I am as HUGE HUGE fan like many people that I know.

  3. I've been to Panang a few times, and it's pretty good! The size of the dishes aren't accurate though haha... everything is bigger here.
