Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Overview: UnTextbook Choices

Week 2 Reading Choice
The unit I'd want to read most for Week 2 is Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales. I've looked up some and got the opportunity to read his version of the Little Mermaid, and it was definitely interesting. I got the chance to visit Denmark a couple of summers ago and got to see the actual mermaid statue, which was very cool. It would be interesting to read the stories about some Disney characters in a different, almost more realistic, version of the story.

Mermaid statue in Copenhagen, Denmark (personal photo)
Other Choices

Throughout school back in Thailand, there were always brief mentions of Ramayana in one of the subjects, and it always sounded interesting to me, even though I never got the chance to read it. It would be nice to know the story after years of just hearing snippets.

I am interested in all the Brother Grimm stories just because like Andersen, it's another take on the happily-ever-after fairy tales we always hear. These are more realistic, in that it's what most likely happened back in those days. I've read 1-2 sentence summaries of some of the stories on the internet, but it'd be interesting to read the whole story.

I learned about Buddha's life briefly in my senior year of high school, but it would still be nice to learn more about him. 

Cupid & Psyche just sounds like it would be a fun read, although I've never actually heard or read anything about it, the short description still sounds like it would be fun. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you found stories you are interested in, Jasmine! You need something from the CLASSICAL or BIBLICAL units for Week 2, so Cupid and Psyche would be a good choice! You can also do extra reading, but the idea is everybody will be reading from the Classical and Biblical units for the first two weeks, to give the class a sense of togetherness.
