Thursday, March 24, 2016

Week 9 Reading Diary, continued: Native American Marriage Tales

A continuation of Native American Marriage Tales.

The Dog-Husband
  • A girl has a dog that turns into a human at night.
  • She got pregnant. Her parents were so ashamed they moved away.
  • Crow took pity on her and provided fire.
  • She gave birth to 5 pups. Four male and one female.
  • They are able to turn into humans. She taught them to hunt.
The youth and the deer (source: pinterest)
The Youth Who Joined the Deer
  • A man followed deer tracks but lost them. Turns out it was the girl.
  • The man doubted, worrying about his wife and child, but the deer convinced him it was alright.
  • When people eat deer, they save the bones, wrap them, then throw them into the river.
  • They deer come back to life when the bones are thrown into the river.
  • The hunter became a deer
  • This poor girl was never allowed to participate in festivities.
  • She is able to talk turkeys.
  • She was dressed in expensive clothing.
  • She danced and danced with the turkeys.
  • The girl ran away. The turkeys wonder where she went.
  • The girl turned back into what she was before.
The True Bride
  • A man had a wife and daughter. His wife died and remarried, and they also had a daughter.
  • Her stepmother disliked her and always scolded her no matter what she did.
  • The chief's son took interest in her.
  • It is known that she is marrying the girl who can spit gold.
  • The stepmother replaced the baby with a cat.
  • The chief decided to kill her.
  • The son did not like his new wife.
  • They hung his new wife and he took back his old wife.
  • He became chief after his father.

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