Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Week 9 Reading Diary: Native American Marriage Tales

This week I chose to read about Native American Marriage Tales.

The Piqued Buffalo-Wife
  • The boy would run around different camps looking for his father.
  • The headman took pity and send messengers to other camps to help.
  • After several tries, the boy ran into a man and declared him his father.
  • They went to the farm and a cow approached. As she got closer, she turned into a woman.
  • She told him to never struck fire at her.
  • He got mad one day and did, they turned into buffalo-cows and ran away.
  • When he got to the herd, he had to go through a few tests.
  • He failed one and got trampled.
  • They found a small piece of bone and resurrected him.
Bear-Woman and Deer-Woman
  • Grizzly bear and Doe
  • While down at the creek, they helped each other hunt for lice on their heads.
  • What the heck is happening. Grizzly bear chewed off Doe's head!
  • She put the head in the fire where the eye burst from the heat. The doe children think it's their mother, but bear chased the children out to play.
  • They played in a smoking hollow log. The does fanned the fire until the bears were smothered.
  • They handed the log off to the bear saying it was a skunk.
  • The children ran away and with help of the crane got over the river.
  • Bear didn't and fell in.
  • The men refused to give up their daughter to the bull.
  • The magpie told the bull to send a different bird.
  • The men consented.
  • The girl grew with them.
Splinter-Foot-Girl (cont.)
  • The men miss their daughter.
  • They sent flies and various birds but nothing worked.
  • The blackbird recommended the mole and the badger.
  • The girl agreed to flee with the mole and badger. She left her robe hanging on the arrow like the way she usually sat.
  • They fled. They asked cottonwood for help. It said to run around it four times. They climbed the tree and waited.
  • The bull followed their trail.
  • They found the tree. The bull struck the tree, but got stuck. The men shot him and he died.
Splinter-Foot-Girl (end)
  • The rock sent the magpie to ask the men for their daughter.
  • The hummingbird brought the girl back.
  • The mole and the badger made a hole big enough for the rock. When he came back, he fell into the hole and the mole and badger covered it up.
  • They escaped. The rock was to remain where the hills are.
The Eagle and Whale Husbands
  • The girl managed to escape. When the whale reached the shore, he turned into whalebone.
The Fox-Woman
  • The man returned seeing everything done like a wife would.
  • He staked out one day and saw a fox enter the house.
  • It turned out to be a woman.
  • After a while, he smelled an odor.
  • It was the fox and she ran away and never interacted with a man again.
The Woman Stolen by Killer Whales
  • A man reeled a huge fish in and asked his wife to help.
  • When she went to wash her hands in the water, she was taken by the killer whale.
  • The man followed the trail to find his wife.
  • The man asked the fish chief if anyone would be willing to help get his wife back. Shark volunteered.
  • Shark pretended to stumble and the water fell onto the fire. Smoke and ash rose. He pushed the wife to her husband.
  • As they were running, Shark was fighting all the other whales.
The Rolling Head
  • The wife would go to the lake to meet a snake.
  • One day the husband followed her.
  • She went to the lake, took off her clothes, got in the lake, and a huge snake went around her.
  • The man killed the snake, killed his wife, and cut her up. He brought his wife's meat home, cooked it, and fed it to the children.
  • The mother's head came rolling out and the children ran away.
  • People heard about the sisters and came to them. They soon left and only the father remained.
  • They ordered the lions to kill him.
The woman and the bear (source: pinterest)

The Bear-Woman
  • A woman with six older brothers and one little sister lived with their dad.
  • She refused to marry. 
  • She would always run out after they went hunting to meet the bear in the woods.
  • As the little sister got older, she wondered why the older sister spent so much time gathering wood.
  • The little sister told their father.
  • The father sent men to kill the bear.
  • The older sister turned into a bear.
The Bear-Woman (cont.)
  • They ran away.
  • The bird told the brothers to shoot her in the head.
  • The bear died.
  • They are now the stars.
To be honest, I was very confused reading every story.

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