Monday, March 7, 2016

Time Management

I don't have a particularly heavy load this semester, but my schedule is weird so I have to plan my time to do my homework. My Tuesdays are totally free, so I set aside that day for homework. My weekends are also free, so that's another time to catch up on projects and homework too. I also have a lot of group work this semester, so it is hard to coordinate due to everyone's different schedule.

I try to not have distractions during time I set aside for homework, since I do get distracted very easily. It's a bit harder since most of the homeworks and distractions involve me being on my laptop, so not only is it time management, but also self-control (to not go on YouTube and stuff).

(source: quotesgiant)
This doesn't really apply to me in terms of school, since I can't just say "nah" to any of my assignments and not do it, but more like going to Walmart. I always talk myself out of going, unless it's absolutely necessary. 

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