Saturday, January 23, 2016

My Learning Challenges: Time

I have a bit of a problem with time-management. I tend to think that things can be done in a shorter amount of time than they actually can be done. I know better than to leave packing to the last day, but I still do it anyway, because I think that since I've travelled home so many times, I am better at packing now. I am almost always wrong. Every time I go home, I bring back different things, which makes packing different every time, which takes time for me to fit things into my luggage. I do try to tell myself to start packing early, but somehow I always come up with excuses to put off packing (and unpacking).

source: theithacan
I've never had this problem with my studies, although it's come close several times. I've never pulled all-nighters before, mostly because I don't need it and won't function well on no sleep, and also because I don't think my body can physically handle it.

I did read somewhere that to be more productive, it's good to write a to-do list with allotted times for the different tasks. Even if it's just small tasks like getting coffee, it's still good to write down and cross off, since it would make you feel productive and want to do more things off the list. I've tried it once, and it worked up until the point I got stuck on homework and gave up the list. I might try it again some time, now that I think about it, and see if it would work.

I've also never been particular good at taking online classes since I tend to forget the deadlines or procrastinate then have to scramble to finish my work the night before. For this class though, I wrote all the assignments' due dates on the calendar, so hopefully that keeps me on track.


  1. It seems that time management is a struggle for the majority of college students. As a senior, I'm definitely suffering from senioritis and putting off things to the last minute. I know what you mean when you've mistaken the amount of time you have for lengthy tasks. The best way to manage your time is to prioritize and making lists. At least it works for me! I'm sure there are other ways to manage times, and the learning challenges will guide you there!

  2. I am so, so jealous of your ability to get schoolwork done early! It's definitely something I'm working on, but it's SUCH a slow process for me, learning how to do things early. On the other hand, it's funny, because one of the things I don't procrastinate on is packing--I tend to start weeks in advance, although that's usually because I'm procrastinating on homework...I also do that with cleaning...if my apartment's really clean then you know I'm supposed to be doing something else...anyway, I hope you hit your goals with time management this semester, and good luck for the two weeks!
